Particle size analysis. Sieving

# ICS Title
Search Results
JS 1309:2009 Cereals, pulses and by products - Determination of ash yield by incineration

This standard specifies amethod for determining the ash yielded by cereals, pulses and their milled products for human consumption. (Published Document (JS))

JS 1678:2005 Determination of the specific surface area of solids by gas adsorption using the BET Method

This standard specifies the determination of the total specific extrnal surface area of disperse or porous solids by measuring the amount of physically adsoorbed gas according to the method of BET (Published Document (JS))

JS 1452:2000 Solid fertilizers and soil conditioners- Test sieving

Specifiesamethod for the determination of the size distributin of solidfertilizer and soil conditionrs by test sieving (Published Document (JS))

JS 1309:1999 Cereals and milled cereal products -Determination of total ash

Specifies a method for the determinationof ash yielded by cereals and milled cereal products intended forhuman consumption (Withdrawn Document)