Fruits and derived products

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JS 549:2021 Vegetables, fruits and their derived products - Dates

This Jordanian standard is specific to the requirements for ripe dates pitted or without pitted, soft, semidry soft, dry dates in the their natural state for direct human consumption ,and this standard does not include date pieces, date paste or dates for industrial purposes. (Published Document (JS))

JS 1353:2019 Vegetables, fruits and derived products – Sweet chestnuts

This Jordanian standard requirements should be available in sweet chestnut edible, spiny husk removed and this does not include the Jordanian standard sweet chestnut prepared for manufacturing (Published Document (JS))

JS 2211:2018 Cereals, pulses and derived products - Foodstuffs - Determination of aflatoxin B1, and the total content of aflatoxins B1, B2, G1 and G2 in cereals, nuts and derived products - High-performance liquid chromatographic method

This Jordanian standard is specify the method of determination of aflatoxin B1, and the total content of aflatoxins B1, B2, G1 and G2 in cereals, nuts and derived products ـــ High-performance liquid chromatographic method (Published Document (JS))

JS 319:2014 Vegetables, fruits and derived products – Unshelled Pistachio

0 (Draft Jordanian Document (DJS))

JS 708:2009 Vegetables, fruits & derived products - Dried grapes ( raisins)

Concern dried grapes raisins prepared for direct use . (Published Document (JS))

JS 24:2009 Vegetables, fruits & derived products - Fresh tomato

This standard is specification of requirement shall be provided in the benefits of fresh tomatoes (Published Document (JS))

JS 1834:2008 Vegetables, fruits & derived producds - Dried figs

This standard responsible for specification standard requirements to dried figs for human consumption (Published Document (JS))

JS 313:2007 Vegetables, Fruits and dervied products-Canned fruit cocktail

These specialize Jordanian standard specification requirements to be met problem canned fruit (fruit cocktail. (Published Document (JS))

JS 820:2005 Vegetables, fruits & derived products - Shelled sweet kernels of apricots

This standard concerns terms, technical and sanitary requirements, test methods, and labelling of shelled sweet kernels of apricot. (Published Document (JS))

JS 748:2005 Vegetables, fruits and derived products - Decorticated stone pine nuts

This standrd determines termes , technical and sanitary conditions, test methods and labelling of decorticated stone pine nuts prepared for eating. (Published Document (JS))

JS 780:2005 Vegetables, fruit & derived products - Grated desiccated cocnut

this standard determines specifications,test methods,filling requirements ,and labelling of grated desiccated coconut. (Published Document (JS))

JS 772:2005 Vegetables, fruits and derived products - Walnut and walnut kernels

This standard determines termes, specifications, storage , packaging , and labelling of walnut and walnut kernels. (Published Document (JS))

JS 319:2005 Vegetables, fruits and derived products -Unshelled pistachio nuts

This standard determines terms,specifications , sanitary conditions , and labelling of unshelled pistachio nuts prepared for direct human consumption. (Published Document (JS))

JS 681:2005 Vegetables, fruits and derived products - Peanuts

This standrd determines terms, specifications, storage and packaging , and labelling of penuts. (Published Document (JS))

JS 491:2005 Vegetabl, fruits &derived products - Citrus marmalade

This standard concerns marmalades and marmalade jelly and does not include products not prepared from citrus, those prepared from pinapple or ginger or tean , or those prepared for special food for diet or sugar diseasde people, or those products prepared and sold for manufacture. (Withdrawn Document)

JS 583:2005 Vegetables - fruits & derived products - Citrus Cold storage

This standard is concerned in conditions that must exist in citrus cold storage (Published Document (JS))

JS 812:2005 Vegetables, fruits & derived products - Date syrup (dibes)

This standard determines specifications,filling and packaging conditions, and health restrictions related to this product. (Published Document (JS))

JS 544:2005 Vegetables, fruits & derived products - Grape syrup (dibes)

This standard determines definitions, specifications,classificationstoraging and packaging and labelling conditions of dibes (Published Document (JS))

JS 173:2005 Vegtables, fruits & derived products - Kamar al din

This standard determines specification, of different types , sanitary conditions and storage conditions of this product. (Published Document (JS))

JS 549:2004 Vegetables , fruits & derived products – Dates

this standerd determines specifcations that should exist in complete dates with or without core ready for human consumption , and donot include cutted ordates used for industrial or filling purposes (Withdrawn Document)

JS 1138:2004 Vegetables, fruits & derived products- Fresh figs

this standerd determines specifications that should exist in fresh figs (Published Document (JS))

JS 1405:2004 Vegetable , fruits & derived products - Bananas

this standard determins specifications that should exist to fresh green bananas that isnot artificially ripen after preperation and packaging (Published Document (JS))

JS 1403:2004 Vegetables , fruits & derived products - Guavas

this standard determins specificationsn that should exist to fresh guavas (Published Document (JS))

JS 1154:2003 Vegetables, fruits & derived products – Peaches and nectarines

Specifies fresh peaches and nectarines (Published Document (JS))

JS 922:2002 Vegetable, fruits and derived products - Peaches

Concerns peaches according vacabulary, labelling, tolarances and sizes (Published Document (JS))

JS 1033:2002 Vegetables, fruits and derived products - Dried apricots

Concerns dried apricots for human consumption (Published Document (JS))

JS 980:2001 Vegetables , fruits & derived products - Strawberries.

specifies conditions that must be available in strawberries. (Published Document (JS))

JS 984:2001 vegetables, fruits and derived products- watermelon

Concerns requirements for watermelon (Published Document (JS))

JS 957:2001 Vegetables - Fruits and derived products - canned mango pulp

Specifies a conditions thatmust be available in canned mango pulp (Published Document (JS))

JS 22:2001 Vegetables, fruits & derived products - Apricot

This standard is about requirements that a vailable in fresh apricots (Published Document (JS))

JS 995:2001 Vegetables, fruits and derived products - Melons

This standards is about arequirement which available in melons (Published Document (JS))

JS 356:2001 Vegetables, Fruits and derived products- Canned pineapple

Specifies a conditions that must beavailable in canned pineapple (Published Document (JS))

JS 343:2001 Vegetables, Fruits and derived products – Canned peach

Specifies a conditions that must be availablein canned peach (Published Document (JS))

JS 627:2001 Vegetables, fruits and derived products- Citrus fruit

This standard is about requirementsavailable in fresh citrus fruit (Published Document (JS))

JS 958:2001 Vegetables, fruits and derived products- Canned grapefruit

This standards is about requirements thatavailable in canned grapefruit (Published Document (JS))

JS 313:2001 Vegetables, Fruits and derived products- canned fruit cocktail

Specifies a conditions that must beavailable in canned fruit cocktail (Withdrawn Document)

JS 1333:2000 Vegetables, fruits and derived products - Artichokes

Specifies artichokes and its standard requirements for storage,filling and labelling (Published Document (JS))

JS 1329:2000 Vegetables, fruits and derived products - Cherry

Specifies standard requirements for fresh cherry and theconditions of storage, packaging and labelling (Published Document (JS))

JS 1335:2000 Vegetables, fruits and derived products- Spinach

Concerns standard requirements for spinach (Published Document (JS))

JS 1374:2000 Vegetables, fruits and derived products - Witloof chicory

Specifies a conditionthat must be available in witloof chicroy (Published Document (JS))

JS 1376:2000 Vegetables, fruits and derived products- Leeks

Specifies a condition that must be available in leeks (Published Document (JS))

JS 1351:2000 Vegetables, fruits and derived products - Mangoes

specifies for the conditions that must be available in the mangoes (Published Document (JS))

JS 54:1999 Vegetables, fruits and derived products- Pears

Concerns pears; its standard requirements, grading, storage,packaging and labelling (Published Document (JS))

JS 1250:1999 Fruit and vegetable products -Determination of soluble solids content - Refractometric method

Specifies a refractometric method for the determination of thesoluble solids content of fruit and vegetable products (Withdrawn Document)

JS 1353:1999 Vegetables, fruits and derived products- Sweet chestnuts

Concerns sweet chestnuts which consumed fresh (Withdrawn Document)

JS 1056:1999 Vegetables, fruits

This standard specifies the conditions must be available in Kiwi fruit with classified, storage determined and filled. (Published Document (JS))

JS 37:1999 Vegetables, fruits, and derived products - Apples

Concerns apples; its standard requirement, grading, storage,packaging and labelling (Published Document (JS))

JS 1058:1999 Vegetables, fruits derived products -Cashew kernels

Concerns cashew kernels (Published Document (JS))

JS 1154:1998 Fruits (fresh) - Peach and Nectarine

Concerns freshpeach and nectarine, not includes peach and nectarine formanufacturing (Withdrawn Document)

JS 47:1997 Fruits and fruit products - Jams and jellies

Concerns jams and jellies produced from fruits which is suitable forsmearing (Withdrawn Document)

JS 26:1997 Fruits (fresh) - Table grapes

Concerns fresh tablegrapes circulable within the arab markets (Published Document (JS))

JS 1138:1996 Fruits (fresh) - Fresh figs

Concerns fresh figs (Withdrawn Document)

JS 1104:1996 Fruits and fruit products - Canned pears

Concerns canned pears (Published Document (JS))

JS 1102:1996 Fresh fruits - Green bananas -Ripening conditions

Concerns the ripening conditions required for green bananas (Published Document (JS))

JS 1033:1995 Fruit products - Dried apricots

Concerns dried apricots (Withdrawn Document)

JS 995:1994 Fruits (fresh) - Melon

Concerns fresh melon (Withdrawn Document)

JS 311:1994 Fruits and fruit products - Vinegar

Concerns all kinds of vinegar (Withdrawn Document)

JS 984:1994 Fruits (fresh) - Watermelons

Concerns freshwatermelon (Withdrawn Document)

JS 980:1994 Fruits (fresh) - Strawberries

Concerns alltypes of fresh strawberries excluding that prepared for manufacturing (Withdrawn Document)

JS 958:1993 Fruits and fruit products - Canned grape fruit

Concerns canned grapefruit (Withdrawn Document)

JS 922:1993 Fruits (fresh) - Peaches

Concerns all types of freshpeaches excluded that prepared for industry (Withdrawn Document)

JS 957:1993 Fruits and fruit products - Canned mango pulp

Concern canned mango pulp (Withdrawn Document)

JS 820:1992 Nuts - Shelled sweet kernels ofapricots

Concernsshelled sweet kernels of apricots (Withdrawn Document)

JS 780:1991 Nuts - Coconut - Grated desiccated coconut

Concernsgrated desiccated cocnut (Withdrawn Document)

JS 772:1991 Nuts - Walnut - Walnut and walnut kernels

Concernswalnut and walnut kernels (Withdrawn Document)

JS 812:1991 Fruits and fruit products - Dates -Date syrup

Concerns date syrup (Withdrawn Document)

JS 748:1991 Nuts - Pine - Decorticated stone pinenuts

Concernsdecorticated stone pine nuts prepared for eating (Withdrawn Document)

JS 708:1990 Fruits and fruit products - Raisins

Concerns dried grapes (grape raisins) (Withdrawn Document)

JS 681:1990 Nuts - Ground nuts (peanuts)

Concerns ground nuts(peanuts) ready for direct human consumption (Withdrawn Document)

JS 173:1989 Fruits and fruit products - KamarAl-Din

Concerns afruit product called Kamar Al-Din (Withdrawn Document)

JS 627:1989 Fruits (fresh) - Fresh citrus fruits

Concernsfresh citrus fruits prepared for direct sale and consumption (Withdrawn Document)

JS 319:1989 Nuts - Pistachio - Unshelled pistachionuts

Concernsunshelled pistachio nuts prepared for direct human consumption (Withdrawn Document)

JS 583:1988 Fruits and fruit products - Citrusfruits - Cold storage

Concerns cold storage of citrus fruits (Withdrawn Document)

JS 22:1988 Fruits (fresh) - Apricots

Concerns freshapricots (Withdrawn Document)

JS 549:1988 Fruits (fresh) - Dates

Concerns dates preparedcommercially for direct human consumption whether the seeds areremoved or but does not concern cutted or digested dates (Withdrawn Document)

JS 582:1988 Fruits and fruit products - Apples -Cold storage

Concerns cold storage of apples (Withdrawn Document)

JS 491:1987 Jams - Marmalades and marmalade jelly

Concernsmarmalades and marmalade jelly (Withdrawn Document)

JS 544:1987 Jams - Grape dibis

Concerns grape jams (dibis) (Withdrawn Document)

JS 313:1983 Fruits and fruit products - Cannedfruit cocktail

Concernscanned fruits cocktail (Withdrawn Document)

JS 356:1983 Fruits and fruit products - Canned pineapple

Concerns canned pineapple (Withdrawn Document)

JS 343:1983 Fruits and fruit products - Canned peaches

Concerns all kinds of canned peaches (Withdrawn Document)

JS 54:1979 Fruits (fresh) - Pears

Concerns the specialrequirements for pears circulated between arab markets besides whatstated in JS 20/1978 related to general requirements for freshvegetables and fruits (Withdrawn Document)

JS 37:1979 Fruits (fresh) - Apples

Concerns fresh apples (Withdrawn Document)

JS 49:1978 Jams - Methods of sampling and testing for jams

Includes sampling and testing methods for jams (Published Document (JS))